How is O’Dea holding up in cross country?
Updated: Sep 29, 2022
As the 2021 cross country season ended, Coach David Bazzi knew there would be many holes to fill the following year. Five weeks into the new season, he has already seen some younger guys step up.
The O’Dea Fighting Irish have had two meets so far, both at Lower Woodland. With a lot of new faces, some bright spots have been junior Lorenzo Neri and junior Elijah Hurt.
Hurt sounds confident and assuring about the upcoming season.
He says, “Really, I think this season is going to go great we’ve got lots of strong runners with talent this year. Especially some of the freshman out there.”
One of the freshmen that Hurt is referring to include is Maddox Fox. He has been one of the team's top runners so far.
“There are some things the team must work on,” Elijah says. “Like some people need to work on there stamina and just focusing on getting that last bit of energy to push through the finish line.
But if we can do that and just keep pushing this year our team will be elite”. That to me sounded like a very good plan and a great start to the O’Dea season.