Lorenzo Neri is a tennis dominating machine
Updated: Apr 4, 2023
SEATTLE- Over the last couple weeks the O’Dea tennis team has been playing great with phenomenal players, especially Lorenzo Neri.
Neri is an absolutely quick and precise hitter. Will he have what it takes to take it all the way this year?
So far, the O’Dea tennis team is 3-4 and has a couple incredible players and one of them being Neri who has a 4-1 record this season.
Neri has played tennis his whole life and started when he was only 6 years old. It really shows how hard he’s worked at the sport when people watch him play.
He describes his play style as “fast and precise”. He completely dominates his opponents and catches them off guard by how hard and confidently he comes to play.
Although he’s an amazing player, he says, “There’s always room for improvement”. Neri doesn’t just stay at the level he’s at, he is always trying to find ways to get better.
He mentally prepares himself before games to help calm himself and be prepared for the upcoming match. He also prepares physically by obviously always practicing harder and harder each time.
This is the perfect example of a future pro tennis player. Neri hopes to continue to play tennis after high school and to keep giving it his all.
He is currently aiming to go to a D1 or D2 school to continue his career. But overall, Lorenzo Neri is definitely a dominator on the tennis court and is most definitely someone to not underestimate.
