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More than just the banners

SEATTLE-Over the years O'Dea high school has been known heavily for their great sports team. Over 50 banners completely surround the O'Dea gym, but that's not just what the school is about.

O'Dea as many know if described with one word would be "brotherhood".

Everywhere you go in the school there is brotherhood; whether it's in the halls, or classrooms or even outside of school.

The community of boys has a bond no other school has. Infact, many people say after they graduate, they still are very close to their brothers from school and know they are there to give a helping hand.

Another huge part of the school is the opportunity. At O'Dea they have different counselors that help guide you to your future goals.

They will check in with you every so often making sure your grades are where you want them to be and that you're on the right path.

The school isn't just about helping the students, but also the community around us. O'Dea participates in many things like beard for bros that helps donate to cancer awareness.

This year the school actually raised over 22,ooo dollars to the local children's hospital. Not only does the school participate in the cancer awareness community but even the one right outside the school, their own city.

Each year the boys go around Seattle picking up any leftover garbage on the streets and pick it up to keep the community clean.

It's very important to notice that O'Dea isn't just noticed for their phenomenal sports teams but the more important things like the future of O'Dea and caring brotherhood that surrounds the school and community.

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