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Whats Next For Senior Wrestler Jack Lopriore


Jack Lopriore is a senior wrestler at O’Dea, he is also a captain of the team and plays a big role in helping underclassmen get better. As his season has come to an end he is wondering what he will do after his wrestling career.

This season is Lopriore's first time going past metros since no elder wrestlers are in his weight class and no other wrestler in his weight class is better than him. Lopriore's first showing at regionals was excellent as he placed 3rd taking him to state which unfortunately lost his first two matches.

"At metros we had two finalist and we both took second, and then we had like two guys take third. Regionals I was the only that placed third and state we had five guys go to state and we had two guys take wins, both of them were sophomores."

Lopriore has improved every year since he started and since he is still growing as a wrestler and a person he has wrestled in three different weight classes, 145, 152, and 170. Even after his season, he wished that he was still able to wrestle.

Lopriore was able to letter in his final season of wrestling and he was a role model and teammate that everyone could look up to and ask for help. In his earlier years he never thought he would be one of the main leaders of the wrestling team yet he is proud of how he led the team this year.

"Yeah, I had a lot of fun over the years, it was fun because you see the older guys grow up and then eventually you grow up to be the leader."

With his wrestling career at O'Dea wrapped up, Lopriore plans to wrestle in college as part of a club but is unsure of what it will be like and wonders what the practices will entail.

Lopriore - "I don’t plan to wrestle at WSU but I will probably go to a couple of practices because they have a club team."

If Lopriore cant join the practices at college, he doesn’t think he will be doing any competitive sports in the future, but plans to use wrestling experiences to stay in shape as he moves on.

"ill play sports for fun nothing competitive or serious and I don’t see myself playing on a team in the future but I do intend on continuing going to the gym and staying in shape." says Lopriore

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