Swim and Dive Senior Spotlight by Saverio De Simone
Updated: Jan 31, 2022

Peter Leary- Peter Leary has been swimming since freshman year, he is currently a senior. Leary said his main swim events are the 50/100 free along with the 100 fly. He also states that his favorite memory was the training trip his sophomore year. Leary was also the captain of the cross-country team and plans on doing track in the spring.
Francisco Palacian- He is one of the captains of the swim team and is currently a senior. He has been swimming for O’Dea all 4 years of high school. Palacian states his favorite stroke is the butterfly, and his favorite memory so far was also the training trip his sophomore year.
Owen Weber – Owen has also been swimming since his freshman year and is one of the captains. He states his favorite event is the 200 individual medley. Weber says his favorite memory from swim is the sophomore training trip to Walla Walla.
Kayat Taydas- This is Taydas’ first year on the swim team. He says his favorite stroke so far is the freestyle. Along with his favorite memory of competing in his first swim meet. Taydas also played basketball his freshman and sophomore year.
Aidan Schutte- Schutte has been on the swim team since freshman year. He is also the son of the head coach, Tom Schutte. He states his favorite stroke is the Breaststroke and the individual 100 breaststroke also the medley relay. His favorite memory is going to the training trip sophomore year. He also has played on the varsity lacrosse team since freshmen year.

Jack Wolff- Wolff has been swimming since freshman year. His favorite stroke is backstroke and freestyle, his favorite memory is the team’s training trip.
Connor Betenson- Betenson has been swimming since freshman year for O’Dea. His favorite stroke is backstroke, and his favorite memory is the dinner after Metros because most of the team is there.
Sean Ahearn- Ahearn has been swimming since sophomore year and he is one of the three captains. His main event is the sprint freestyle. His favorite memory was swimming at the Whitman college for the training trip.
Charlie Horey- Horey has been swimming since freshman. His favorite event is the Breaststroke. He states his favorite memory was participating at the Metro Swim meet his sophomore year. Horey was also on the football team all 4 years.

Andrew Kloeppel- This is Kloeppel’s first year driving for O’Dea. His favorite dive is the inward 1.5, and he states his favorite memory is doing ‘’super fun flips.’’ He also ran cross country for all 4 years of high school.
Mason Wisen- Wisen has only been diving for 3 months. He states his favorite drive is a gainer dive. Wisen says his favorite memory from diving is having breakfast during the morning practices with Christianson and Kloeppel. He also is a cross country runner and a tennis player but is going to try out for lacrosse this year.
Hunter Christianson- This is also Christianson’s first year diving. His favorite dive is the forward 1-1/2. He states his favorite memory is ‘’doing bellyflops fully clothed on senior night.’’