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A fresh start for the cross country boys


Updated: Sep 26, 2022

SEATTLE- A new season for the cross-country team means new chances and opportunities. The Irish want to have another successful season as the boys are excited to get the games going. The team has some strong runners this year and are hoping to make a run for state.

The team has been practicing at Lower Woodland and around First Hill this year. Running up Cherry Street definitely will help them this year on their path to a positive season. They are ready to prove hem self this season.

“Our teams’ goals for this season is to make it to states as a team,” said junior Caleb Kirby about the aspirations of the cross-country team.

He spoke about how the true and only goal of the team this year is for the team as a whole to quality for the state meets. this is a strong team coming back this year and they truly believe in themselves and in their top runner.

It will be a hard task to reach the goal that Kirby set for the team this year, but he spoke about how he thought that the team was looking good this year and how the team was pumped for the season to start.

The Irish have had one meet this year, coming in second to Metro powerhouse Bishop Blanchet. Blanchet swept the competition with a overall score of 17. The Irish had a reasonable 71 points in their runner up position out of four teams.

The teams next meet is against historic rivals Rainier Beach and Seattle Prep. The meet should be a good beginning of the season challenge as Seattle prep and rainier beach will certainly be a challenging opponent.

Hopefully the Irish are able to reach there goals they have set for the season and have another successful season as they hope to have lots of fun, and win a lot of meets.

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